Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Update on Work Performed

The project is advancing in three areas. The exterior footing package for Building K has commenced as of 12/14. We have placed a number of column footings for the elevated walkway cast in place columns as well as the continuous footings for the stairs. This is located between Buildings A and H in the courtyard. The instalaltion fo these will allow for the brick placement to commence at that location.
The Cast in Place Bond Beams for Building A have been completed and this has allowed for the second deck to be installed for that building ass well as Building B. We are scheduiled to pour that part of the second deck January 7.

M Building's footing package is complete. We have installaed the column footings for the entrance way for M as well. We have been waiting on the plumber to complete the work in M in order to prep the first slab for that building. We are scheduled for the first Building M pour January 5. M will be completed the following week.
G building's exterior and interuior footing package has been completed. We are waiting on the approval of the kitchen shop drawings so we can finish prepping that slab. That pour is scheduled for January 6.

Also did a walk through and took pictures of previously installed areas including a majority of the slabs.

The Cast in Place Columns located at A will be set and poured over the next couple of days.

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