Thursday, September 30, 2010

North side exterior footings for buildings A-F are poured

Exterior footings for builing F north and half east side poured.

Elevator pit walls are being formed up in building D.
Elevator pit floor in building D poured. Exterior footings for the east side of building F are excavated.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Poured front of C and part of D North Side

Finished prepping North side of Building C with rebar and dug and prepared part of building D and poured these locations today.

Four additional people will mobilize to job site tonight ready for work in the morning.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 21, Building C continuing and Rebar on site

Rebar for building "C" arrived today.  Off loading materials and continuing footing excavation on Building C and moving into D.

Site Visit Monday, September 20

Ross went to job site scheduling meeting today.  Site looks clean and footings have been verified by surveying company that we are looking good.

Waiting on rebar, which should be here Tuesday, September 21.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pictures from Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Footers into Building "C" continue as well as pour happened today which completed the north side of building "B".  Schedule to pour north side of building "C" footers tomorrow.

Rebar in south side of building "A" installed per submittal from rebar company, but they were not correct based on the plan.  White-Spunner is working with rebar company to remedy this issue, but McClure will have to remove dowels and reinstall new dowels.  Change Order is being generated to submit to White-Spunner.

McClure also delivered a 500 gallon diesel tank for refueling onsite equipment.

Pictures from Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Footers continue to be prepped.  We are into building "C" north side and south side of building.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We are now working on C Building Footings. We actually would be working on D Building but a plan error was discovered by our crew that slowed us down

Saturday, September 11, 2010

We have a chance of rain tomorrow.
We have a chance of tomorrow so we are not excavating today. We are doing more building layout and prepping more rebar for the footings.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Poured 250 LF of exterior grade beams this afternoon

September 10 - Footing bld A & B front of building

Work performed this date included continued set up of A building exterior grade beams moving in to B building.  Also tieing up the last of the exterior grade beams on the south side until the rest of the southside of the building beccomes available on Monday.

Passed all inspections and pouring approximately 235 LF of exterior grade beams this afternoon.  Almost th eexact smae amount as the first pour.

After a coordination discussion between myself, Brian Fallin and our superintendent it is jointly decided that we do no further digging until Monday in order to protect us form having to do any demucking due to the chance of rain on Sunday.  Saturday's agenda will be further layout and further preparation of rebar for B building.